Everything Nintendo’s mini NES can and can’t do
From BGR:
Can the mini NES play old NES cartridges?
No, it cannot. The only games that the Classic Edition can play at launch, or at any point in the future, will be the 30 games we listed in the original announcement post. And have you seen the thing? There’s no way you’re fitting an NES cartridge in there without breaking the dang thing in half.
Does the mini NES go online?
The box doesn’t connect to the internet. In addition, there’s no accessible internal storage or external storage options whatsoever. Sadly, this means you won’t be downloading Virtual Console games either (which would have been an awesome trick, but will be reserved for the actual home consoles for now).
How do you save games on the mini NES?
Nintendo says that each game will have multiple suspend points, so you can pick up from the exact second you left off. It’s not clear if there will also be a more traditional saving method, but Nintendo’s answer makes it seem unlikely.
What’s the deal with the ports?
There’s an HDMI port to connect to your TV and a USB port that connects to the AC adapter. That’s it, and the USB port can’t be used for anything other than to power the console. (At least, that’s what Nintendo says.)
What controllers does it support?
The NES Classic Edition supports the just-revealed NES Classic Controller, the Classic Controller and the Classic Controller Pro. Up to two controllers can be used at a time, but interestingly, if you are using two controllers, one of them has to be an NES Classic Controller. Thankfully, one comes with the NES Classic Edition.