Apple’s News App Takes Aim at Facebook
THIS MORNING, APPLE announced News, its new, free newsreader that will allow publishers to integrate their stories directly into a native iOS app. The Flipboard-like interface will allow stories to be specially formatted to look and feel like articles taken from publishers’ websites while still living inside Apple’s app.The app will have several content partners at launch, including The New York Times, BuzzFeed, Quartz, ESPN, and WIRED parent company Condé Nast. (WIRED featured prominently in Apple’s onstage demo of News at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.) While any publisher will be able to make their stories available for users’ feeds, Apple vice president Susan Prescott said stories specially formatted for the app will look especially sharp, calling it the “best mobile reading experience ever” with built-in photos, videos, and infographics.